Survey Questions

I am currently working on a brand new book, “Practical Tips for Launching or Expanding Your Christian Music Ministry”. I'll send you a free copy when it is published, just for completing the short survey below. Your input will help me shape the content, and I might even quote you.

Thanks, — Nate

What do you see as the biggest challenges to launching or expanding your
performing music ministry? Feel free to list as many as you like.
What would be the most emotionally satisfying thing to you about a successful music ministry?
Where have you experienced frustration in your attempts to launch or expand your music ministry?
What specific resources have you found and how helpful were they in giving you
practical help in launching or expanding your music ministry?
What would you like to accomplish in your music ministry in the next 12 months?
What about the next 5 years?
Are you most interested in a part-time or full-time music ministry/business? Explain.
If a thought, angst, or anxiety about music ministry were to wake you up at 3:00 am, what would
that be about for you? Give me as much detail as you are willing to.
Other frustrations, desires, wants, comments?
Can I quote you in the book?

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